Lee Hall (Retired)

Now retired, Lee Hall was a student apartment complex for upperclassmen. It featured eight apartments, each with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, living area, and kitchen. The building housed up to 48 students (six persons per apartment). 

In 2005 Lee Hall was razed. In 2009 Evergreen Hall was built on the site where Lee Hall formerly stood.

Building History
L.J. Lee
L.J. Lee

Lee Hall was moved to campus in 1977 and occupied by students that fall. The building was named after L.J. Lee, who served as a member of the U of M Board of Regents from 1972 to 1979. Lee also served as a Minnesota legislator for 12 years, a county commissioner, and mayor of the city of Bagley, Minnesota. It served as apartment-style housing for student until 2005, when it was razed.