Help us keep our campus safe and well

It is all of our responsibility to make sure our campus community is safe and well. There are times that you may feel like you want someone to know about something but aren’t sure who to tell or who you can talk to. The forms below are meant to take that guesswork out for you. Each of these forms is automatically routed to the office responsible for handling it.

NOTE: Before filing a report, know that we encourage issues to be resolved at the most informal level possible. This document can help you work through your options. 

Student Concerns/Complaints

Student Complaints

Student Complaint Form

Use this form for student concerns at the University of Minnesota Crookston. The form will be sent to the Crookston Student Association (CSA) president, and the student concerns representative.

NOTE: If you have an academic related complaint, please see our official policy and procedures for addressing student academic complaints.

Incident Reporting

Sexual Assault, Harassment, Relationship Violence Or Stalking

Sexual Assault, Harassment, Relationship Violence or Stalking Form

Use this form to report any concerns about a possible sexual assault, sexual violence, sexual harassment, stalking or relationship violence.

Bias Incident

Bias Incident Form

This form is designed to collect information about bias incidents on our campus.

General Incident Report

General Incident Report Form

Use this form to submit information about violations of the student conduct code or hour policy. This general form can also be used to report any other type of incident you think someone needs to be aware of.

Residential Life Incident Report

Residential Life Incident Report Form

Use this form to submit information about a violation in the residence halls or anything in the residence halls you think someone needs to be aware of.

Connecting Students with Resources

Care Team

Care Team Form

Use this form to report a concern about a student – change in behavior, change in attitude, concern for their health and wellbeing.

Academic Care Team

Academic Care Team Form

This form should be used to share information about academic concerns for a student – stopped showing up to class, drop in performance, general academic struggle.