Do I need a Parking Pass?
All faculty, staff and students (including full and part time) who park motor vehicles on the U of M Crookston campus are required to purchase and display a valid U of M Crookston parking permit on their vehicle. Permits may be purchased at the Business Affairs Office located at 121 Selvig Hall.
Visitors have limited 30 minute parking spaces or can get a daily visitor permit.
Faculty, Staff and Students:
Permit Costs for 2024-2025 Academic Year
Permit Type | Annual Cost | Semester Cost |
All Lots permit (Except Reserved Lots) | $110 + tax | $70 + tax |
Reserved Parking (In Lots D, E, and F) Electrical outlets provided limit availability | $175 + tax | N/A |
Temporary - 1 Week | $10 + Tax | - |
Temporary - 1 Month | $25 + Tax | - |
* Applicable sales tax will be added to the permit price
Parking permits are not refundable and are only valid for lots indicated. Hang tags are issued upon payment and are to be hung (colored side facing out) on the vehicle rear view mirror.
How to Purchase a Permit
Student Parking Permit Payment Form
All full-time faculty and staff can pay via payroll deduction or visit the Business Affairs Office to make a direct payment. Adjunct faculty will need to visit the Business Affairs Office to pay in full.
Duplicate Permits
Duplicate permits are only available to U of M Crookston faculty and staff who purchase the "all lots annual permit". These permits are intended as a convenience to faculty/staff who may bring different vehicles to campus. The duplicate permits do not cover situations where one family will have two vehicles on campus at the same time.
Lost or Stolen Permit
Lost or stolen permits should be reported immediately to the Business Affairs Office located at 121 Selvig Hall and to Public Safety in 1516 Evergreen Hall. If a parking permit is found it should be returned to the Business Affairs Office. Hang tags should be removed while driving if vision is impaired. Motorists are encouraged to lock their vehicles, as any permit which is lost, destroyed, or stolen must be replaced at full price.
WARNING: Possession of lost, stolen, or counterfeited parking permits will result in towing of vehicle and may result in criminal prosecution.

The U of M Crookston campus observes an open parking policy which allows vehicles with valid parking permits to park in open spaces on a "first-come first-served" basis.
- The U of M Crookston campus has nine lots (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and J) available for campus parking. Handicapped spaces are available in each lot.
- Overnight parking is allowed in lots C, D, E, and F. Overnight parking in Lots A, G, and J have designated overnight parking areas marked with the appropriate signage.
- Parking is not permitted on streets, in loading zones, or in any spaces other than those designated in the nine parking lots. All vehicles must be parked within the designated parking spaces.
- Parking will be allowed on the campus mall street. Those who purchase the "ALL LOTS PERMIT" will be allowed to park in the right lane of the mall road. The areas where permit parking is allowed will have the appropriate signage. NO OVERNIGHT PARKING will be allowed on the campus mall street.
- Parking in the Northwest Research and Outreach Center (NWROC) parking lots by U of M Crookston staff or students is not permitted without a valid NWROC parking permit.
- Service Vehicle Permits and Contractor Permits are no longer valid in U of M Crookston Employee and Student vehicles. These permits are intended for companies conducting services on campus. Any employee or student using these permits will be cited and subject to penalties stated in the Parking Regulations. Also, Employee and Student Vehicles may not park in “service vehicle parking areas”. These are intended for University Vehicles and the vehicles of companies conducting services on campus.
- Parking in front of any door (including Garage Doors), in front of the road to the Gas Boiler in Lot H, and around the gas pumps north of Kiser is not permitted.
Individuals parked in these areas will be issued a violation and are subject to penalties stated in the Parking Regulations.
Reserved Parking
Faculty, staff, and students may choose to purchase a special reserved parking permit. The reserved permit is an annual permit for a reserved parking space in either C lot, D lot, E lot or the F-Reserved lot. The reserved parking space includes an electrical outlet for cold temperatures. The price of the reserved parking permit for the 2024-2025 year is $175 plus tax.
- Reserved parking spaces are provided in three U of M Crookston parking lots. There are limited reserved parking spaces available.
- Users are encouraged not to connect their vehicle to the electrical outlets if they know they will not be using their vehicle the following day.
Visitor Parking and Permits
Visitors staying longer than 30 minutes can get a one-day "Visitor Parking Permit" from the Public Safety Office in Sargeant Student Center, the Business Affairs Office in Selvig Hall or other U of M Crookston department offices and are valid for no longer than one business day. Vehicles with Visitor Permits without the current date and a valid signature will be cited.

Staying less than 30 minutes? A limited number of visitor parking permitted in these designated areas without a Visitor Parking Permit:
- 30 min campus visitor parking across from Selvig Hall entrance
- 30 min Bookstore visitor parking behind Sargeant Student Center in Lot A
- 30 min Eagles Nest take-out parking in front of Sahlstrom Conference Center entrance
- University & Alumni Relations visitor parking in Lot G near Kiehle Building Auditorium entrance
- General visitor parking in the southwest corner of Lot G.
All Lots
All lots are monitored randomly on a daily basis by security personnel. Unauthorized vehicles in loading zones, no parking zones, reserved parking spaces, and/or handicapped spaces are subject to be ticketed, booted and/or towed at the owners expense. Violators who receive more than two tickets during the academic year will be subject to having their car booted or towed. If a boot is placed on a vehicle, the owner of the vehicle must pay the unpaid tickets, provide proof of purchase of permit and pay $50.00 to remove the boot. If the vehicle is towed, the owner of the vehicle will have to pay the unpaid tickets, provide proof of purchase of permit and pay the towing and storing of the vehicle.
Reserved Parking
- Only those vehicles with the Reserved Parking permit will be allowed in the reserved parking spaces. Signage identifies the spaces as "reserved - special permit required". Unauthorized vehicles in reserved parking spaces will be ticketed, towed and stored at the owner’s expense.
- Only those vehicles with the appropriate reserved parking permit may use the electrical outlets provided. Any vehicle without a valid reserved parking permit, which is plugged into a reserved parking outlet, will be ticketed, towed, and stored at the owner’s expense.
- Those vehicles with Reserved Parking Permits are allowed to park in any of the U of M Crookston parking lots (similar to an all-lot-parking permit).
How to Pay a Ticket Fine
Ticket fines are paid to the Business Affairs Office (121 Selvig Hall).
How to Appeal a Ticket Fine
Tickets may be appealed in writing by notifying the Public Safety Office at 1516 Evergreen Hall. For information on parking appeal procedures call Public Safety (218-281-8815) or fill out the online parking appeal form.
Additional Parking Info
- Vehicles may need to be moved at times for snow removal purposes. Communications will be sent to via email and voice mail to notify students. Failure to move vehicles when necessary will result in vehicles ticketed, towed, and stored at the owner’s expense.
- All motor vehicle accidents on campus must be reported immediately to the Crookston Police Department as required by law.
- Parking in the Northwest Research and Outreach Center (NWROC) parking lots by U of M Crookston staff or students is not permitted without a valid NWROC parking permit.
- All campus events which will bring more than 50 visitors to the campus must be coordinated with Facilities and Operations (218-281-8491) and Public Safety (218-281-8815).
- Special "service vehicle" hang tags will be issued to specific employees of the University who occasionally park a University or personal vehicle in a "service vehicle only" parking space in order to complete their job responsibilities. The special hang tags will be authorized by the parking committee (through an application process) and may only be used in the circumstances described above and does not allow employees to avoid purchasing a parking permit for regular parking on campus.