Campus and Durable Goods Fee
Students enrolled in .5 or more credits at UMN Crookston pay a $250 UMC Campus Fee each semester. The Crookston Campus Fee helps to fund technological infrastructure and student academic support including advisors, tutoring, library, career counseling, and accessibility.
Students also pay a $275 Durable Goods Fee each semester. This fee covers the costs associated with providing on-campus students with: laptop computers; pre-installed software; access to campus laser printers; campus wireless and wired networks; and assistance from the Computer Help Desk. Learn more about the Student Laptop Computer Program.
NOTE: Failure to return the computer when notified to do so or upon cancellation from school will result in an initial non-refundable $50 late fee assessment, and a weekly charge of $31 for up-to six (6) weeks until the computer is returned. If the computer is not returned by the end of six (6) weeks, the student’s account will be assessed the current market value of the computer plus any outstanding late fees. Students are responsible for lost/theft of the laptop computer where students are encouraged to purchase personal liability insurance coverage for such incidents.
See the "Campus and Durable Goods Fees" for the latest information.
Lost or Stolen Laptop
Please report a lost or stolen laptop to the UMN Crookston Computer Help Desk promptly. If your laptop computer was stolen, contact local law enforcement where the theft occurred. Provide a copy of the police report to the UMN Crookston Help Desk (the University of Minnesota requires a copy of the police report for stolen university property). Your student account will be charged $500 for a lost or stolen laptop computer.
TIP: Although it is not mandatory, we do recommend that students have a personal liability policy for their UMN Crookston issued laptop which should help cover the $500 university charge.