Picture of Megan Bell

Megan Bell

Associate Professor
Faculty - On-Campus

In the News

  • RetirementsRecognized in 2024 were Brenda Bozyk of Facilities and Phil Baird of Agriculture and Natural Resources.The University of Minnesota Crookston held its annual Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony May 7, 2024 and honored multiple individuals for years of service, retirements, and select… Read more
  • Emmah Burnes, a University of Minnesota Crookston freshman from Tulare, California, was offered a soccer scholarship to play as a Golden Eagle, and, in March 2023, she came to visit the campus. None of the other schools she toured felt like “home”, so she traveled almost 2,000 miles to check out… Read more
  • The second largest city in South Korea, Busan, is home to current Golden Eagle Hyunwook “Yun” Cho. Located close to Japan and overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Busan is an area categorized by a fast-paced nature and emphasis on convenience. Moving from an active… Read more