SEARCH TIP: Type part or all of the FIRST NAME followed by part or all of the LAST NAME e.g.: ‘mar johns’ will return a list that includes ‘Mary Johnson.’ More complete information yields better results.

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Picture of Josh Lunak
Academic Advisor
Head Coach - Women's Tennis
Owen Hall 170-C
(218) 281-8429
Manufacturing Management
Quality Management
Sport and Recreation Management
Manufacturing Management (online)
Quality Management (online)
Sport and Recreation Management (online)
Role: Faculty - On-Campus Faculty - Online Staff
Picture of Ian MacRae
Agricultural Research Center 111
(218) 281-8611
Role: Affiliate Faculty - On-Campus NWROC

University of Minnesota Crookston
2900 University Ave
Crookston, MN 56716-5001
1-800-UMC-MINN (862-6466)
1-800-627-3529 TTY

*Note: all campus locations are associated with the "2900 University Ave mailing" address, unless otherwise noted.