Picture of John Loegering

John Loegering Ph.D.

Department Chair
Faculty - On-Campus

Research Interests

  • Avian ecology
  • Curator, U of M Crookston Wildlife Museum
  • Quantitative ecology
  • Riparian and wetland ecosystems
  • Wildlife-habitat relationships
  • Wildlife-human interactions

Awards, Distinctions, and Honors

  • 2019 The Wildlife Society Fellows Award (TWS)
  • 2009 H.T. Morse Distinguished Teaching Professor
  • 2005 Distinguished Teaching Award
  • 2004 Outstanding Educator Award
  • 2004 Student Chapter Advisor of the Year. Presented by The Wildlife Society at the 11th Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta.
  • 2003 Award of Distinction, Nature Northwest Project. Exemplary project from Northwest Regional Sustainable Development Partnership, University of Minnesota.
  • 2000 Silver Medal Award, Agricultural Communicators in Education. Awarded to J. P. Loegering and W. D. Edge for "An interactive website to increase student participation and learning", ACE Critique and Awards Program.
  • 1998 Outstanding Service Award, Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society
  • 1999 Silver Medal Award, Agricultural Communicators in Education Awarded to W. D. Edge and J. P. Loegering for FW251, Principles of Wildlife Conservation.

Selected Publications

  • Kramer, G. R., D. E. Andersen, D. A. Buehler, P. B. Wood, S. M. Peterson, J. A. Lehman, K. R. Aldinger, L. P. Bulluck, S. Harding, J. A. Jones, J. P. LOEGERING, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, H. M. Streby.  2023. Exposure to risk factors experienced during migration is not associated with recent Vermivora warbler population trends. Landscape Ecology. 24 pages. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-023-01701-2   
  • Driscoll, T. G., J. P. Loegering, and A. L. Gillett.  2021. First nesting record of peregrine falcon in Crookston, Polk County.  Loon 93:161-163. Published summer 2022. 
  • Kramer, G. R., D. E. Andersen, D. A. Buehler, P. B. Wood, S. M. Peterson, J. A. Lehman, K. R. Aldinger, L. P. Bulluck, S. Harding, J. A. Jones, J. P. LOEGERING, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, H. M. Streby.  2018. Population trends in Vermivora warblers are linked to strong migratory connectivity. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences). 9 pages. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1718985115   
  • Terhune II, T. M., K. R. Aldinger, D. A. Buehler, D. J. Flaspohler, J. L. Larkin, J. P. LOEGERING, K. L. Percy, A. M. Roth, C. Smalling, and P. B. Wood. 2016. Golden-winged Warbler nest-site habitat selection. Pages. 109–125 in H. M. Streby, D. Buehler, and D. E. Andersen (editors). Golden winged Warbler ecology, conservation, and habitat management. Studies in Avian Biology No. 49, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.  
  • Aldinger, K. R., T. M. Terhune II, P. B. Wood, D. A. Buehler, M. H. Bakermans, J. L. Confer, D. J. Flaspohler, J. L. Larkin, J. P. LOEGERING, K. L. Percy, A. M. Roth and C. G. Smalling. 2015. Variables associated with nest survival of Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) among vegetation communities commonly used for nesting. Avian Conservation and Ecology 10 (1): 6.  URL: http://www.ace-eco.org/vol10/iss1/art6/
  • Roth, A. M., R.W. Rohrbaugh, K. Aldinger, M. Bakermans, S. Barker Swarthout, D. A. Buehler, J. L. Confer, D. Crawford, C. Friis, M. Fowlds, J. Larkin, J. LOEGERING, J. D. Lowe, M. Piorkowski, K. V. Rosenberg, C. Smalling, T. Terhune, R. Vallender, T. Will, and P. Wood. 2012. Golden-winged Warbler Breeding Season Conservation Plan. In A. M. Roth, R. W. Rohrbaugh, T. Will, and D. A. Buehler, editors. 2012. Golden-winged Warbler status assessment and conservation plan. http://www.gwwa.org/.  
  • Streby, H., J. P. LOEGERING, D. E. Andersen. 2012. Spot mapping underestimates song-territory size and use of mature forest by breeding Golden-winged Warblers in Minnesota, USA. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:40-46.\
  • LOEGERING, J. P., and R. G. Anthony.  2006.  Nest-site selection and productivity of American dippers in the Oregon Coast Range.  Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118:281-294. 
  • Zluticky, L. and J. P. LOEGERING.  2004.  First cattle egret in Mahnomen County.  Loon 75:234.  Co-authored with UMC’s first Wildlife Management graduate.  
  • Edge, W. D., and J. P. LOEGERING.  2000.  Distance education: expanding learning opportunities.  Invited Paper for the Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:522-533. 
  • LOEGERING, J. P., and J. D. Fraser. 1995.  Factors affecting piping plover chick survival in different brood-rearing habitats.  Journal of Wildlife Management 59:646-655. 

Educational Background

  • B.S., Zoology and Biology, minors in Chemistry and Botany, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 1988
  • Certified Wildlife Biologist, The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, MD
  • M.S., Wildlife Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 1992
  • Ph.D., Wildlife Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 1997

Professional Memberships

  • American Ornithologists' Union
  • Association of Field Ornithologists
  • Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals
  • Cooper Ornithological Society
  • Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union
  • Society for Conservation Biology
  • The Wildlife Society - Parent, Minnesota, and Student Chapters
  • Wilson Ornithological Society


  • Certified Wildlife Biologist by The Wildlife Society


Started at U of M Crookston August 2000.

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