Have you been placed on Academic Probation?
We're here to help!

Students who do not maintain good academic standing (cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better) are placed on academic probation and become a part of UMN Crookston’s Golden Eagle Academic Recovery (GEAR) program. While participating in GEAR, both on-campus and online students will be placed in a Canvas site to assist the student with their academic recovery. The Canvas site will prompt students participating in GEAR to complete the following expectations:

  • Enroll in 15 or fewer credits
  • Earn a 2.0 or better GPA for the semester
  • Develop and complete an individual Academic Action Plan (AAP) to earn a 2.0 or better throughout the semester. Part of the AAP will include the following steps:
    • Visit with the Student Success Center (SSC) by the end of the second week of the semester to discuss your plan of action
    • Visit with your advisor during Weeks 5-6 to check your progress and update your plan of action, if necessary
    • Check your grades at midterm on MyU to be sure you are on track. If your grades are not where you would like them to be, we highly encourage you to request an academic coaching session to make a plan for your academic recovery for the rest of the semester.
    • Visit with your advisor during Weeks 11-12 to check your progress and select classes for the next semester
    • Visit with the SSC for the final AAP meeting during the last 2 weeks of the semester

Specific due dates for each meeting will be listed on the AAP and in the Canvas site.

Students need to attain a term GPA of 2.0 during the semester they are in the GEAR program to avoid academic suspension. Students who do not complete an AAP, or follow the terms of their plan, may lose their right to appeal an academic suspension.

Meeting with a tutor is a normal part of being successful as a college student.

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