Event, Classroom and Fleet Vehicle Reservation Requests

In order to secure a space or fleet vehicle on the University of Minnesota Crookston campus, all guidelines must be met and understood. See below for more information.

Submit an Event, Classroom or Fleet Vehicle Request

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Scheduling an Event or Space Guidelines

In order to secure a space on the University of Minnesota Crookston campus, all guidelines must be met and understood.

  1. Submitted reservation request are not approved until an e-mail acknowledging receipt of the request and e-mail confirmation are received from the appropriate Schedule Coordinator. Requested changes must be submitted through this process and confirmed by e-mail.
  2. University Groups (Department, Registered Student Organization [RSO], or Campus Life Program [CLP]) wanting to reserve a space or fleet vehicle should use the "Submit an Event, Classroom or Fleet Vehicle Request" link to view availability or contact Sandy Desrosier. Student Clubs can do the same or contact: Student Affairs office and they will help make reservations
  3. Non-University Groups wanting to utilize Crookston campus classrooms or space should contact Sandy Desrosier in Scheduling/U of M Crookston Department of Facilities and Operations.
  4. Allow ample time for the requests to be processed. Event reservations for U of M Crookston spaces can be made up to one (1) year in advance.
  5. No event will be scheduled in classrooms until all courses are placed for that semester.
  6. Labs can be reserved for scheduled classes ONLY.

Who approves event requests in classrooms and other spaces on the Crookston campus?

  • Classrooms - Registrars office now schedules all classes. After official classes are set, classroom reservation requests go to Sandy Desrosier.
  • General Space & Fleet Vehicles - Sandy Desrosier, Facilities and Operations, coordinates events and activity reservations for most all other space requests. There are few locations on campus that are handled by specific departments. Requests of those spaces are also seamlessly processed through the University’s Astra Schedule.
  • Gymnasium & Other Athletic Facilities - Nathan Mahlen
  • Wellness Center - Zach Benson
  • Alumni Room, Kiehle Building - Sandy Desrosier
  • Alseth-NWSA Business Board Room - Sandy Desrosier
  • UTOC Arena - Leah Stroot
  • Centennial Conference Room 1108 - Sandy Desrosier

Who can request an event?

Any group that is part of a University department, a student organization registered with Student Activities, or a non-profit, government or for-profit organization may request classrooms for event use. Non-University groups may utilize campus space for their events. An administrative fee and rentals may apply.

More information about events and spaces below.

Fleet Vehicle

Fleet Vehicle Procedures, Policies & Rates

In order to use a university vehicle and get keys you must reserve it using the ASTRA system. Only those who reserve a vehicle may pick up the key for the vehicle and garage. You now must pick up the keys prior to your departure at Facilities Management office on the day of or Friday before the weekend. The office is open from 7:00 am -3:30 pm. Plan ahead.

Reserve a Fleet Vehicle

Driver responsibility upon leaving

  • Pick up Keys from Facilities Management
  • Write down starting mileage on card provided
  • Close garage door
  • Fasten Seatbelt
  • Drive Safely
  • Vehicle Security (Look doors)

Driver responsibility upon return

  • Fuel vehicle to full
  • Write down ending mileage
  • Park vehicle in garage
  • Clean out vehicle (garbage, luggage, etc.)
  • Make note of anything wrong with the vehicle
  • Close garage
  • Put keys and mileage card in the drop box located next to the main entrance of Kiser Building.

The current mileage rates for a university vehicle are as following:

  • Car $0.295 per mile + $15.00 flat check out fee
  • Mini Van $0.36 per mile + $18.00 flat check out fee
  • Suburban * $0.49 per mile + $50.00 flat check out fee

* The Suburban is limited to groups of six or more.

Other charges:

  • Cleanup charges (non-routine exterior/interior cleaning - excessive dirt/mud, spills, etc.) will be charged $33.00 per hour for clean up time.
  • A fee of $25.00 will be charged for all lost credit cards
  • Dome light left on $15.00
  • No paper work $10.00
  • Keys not returned to key box $10.00
  • Late cancel (less than 24 hours) $10.00
  • Late Return $25.00. Note: Emergency situations (accident, breakdown, weather conditions, etc.) will be taken into consideration.

Smoking in University Vehicles

There will be one warning issued for smoking in a University vehicle. If there is a second occurrence, the person(s) will be unable to rent a University owned fleet vehicle for a period of one year.

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Events that can and cannot be scheduled in general purpose classrooms

Classrooms are used for class instruction, study or other like activity. Events in general purpose classrooms must be compatible with the academic nature of classrooms and academic buildings. Non-class events are welcome, but they must not adversely impact the classroom, its contents, or the surrounding area. Rooms must be returned to the same configuration as found.

Activities that are not compatible with general purpose classrooms include amplified music, dances, dinners, parties, theater, stage events, performances, events that require re-furnishing of rooms or removal of equipment. Non-compatible events include any event that adversely impacts the classroom directly, or that impacts research, study or other academic pursuits in areas adjacent to classrooms.

The campus has many venues that can support events that are not well suited to general purpose classrooms. Alternate venues include the Sargeant Student Center, Kiehle Auditorium, Evergreen Grill Commons Area, or an outdoor space.

It is recommended that requests be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event. Complete the proper forms. Requests for space may be submitted up to one year in advance by using Astra Schedule through the Scheduling Office (Scheduling). Non-University groups or individuals without a University of Minnesota user name and password should contact Scheduling (Sandy Desrosier).

Upon receipt of the request, Scheduling will send an email of acknowledgment and an event reservation request number. This acknowledgment is not a confirmation. Important note: All requests for classrooms will be held until academic courses are completely scheduled for that term. Request will then be approved in the order in which they were submitted.

After the room assignment is made, Scheduling will send the requester a confirmation. This confirmation can be used to document the approved use of the room. Room requests are not approved until the confirmation is issued. Inquiries should be sent to the Scheduling office (Sandy Desrosier).

Requests for events submitted with less than 30-day notice will be reviewed and assigned as space allows and in accordance as outlined. Events that take place outside the regular operating hours must be requested at least one week in advance in order to allow time for coordination of building and room access and additional Facilities and Operations custodial support.

Scheduling will assign each reservation to the most appropriate space available. Requests for specific rooms or spaces will be honored when possible. Scheduling reserves the right to re-assign space when necessary and to identify suitable alternative space for the original reservation. Scheduling will solely determine room availability.

There will be a minimum of 15 minutes between scheduled events, however, some events require more time The University reserves the right to schedule appropriate times for space preparation.

Events will not be scheduled during official University holidays and events.

If the University experiences an emergency closing due to weather, utility failure, or other unforeseen disaster, the event is considered cancelled.

Assignment priority for events

Scheduling priority is given to academic courses, academic related activities, and campus events. The scheduling of space for academic activities occurs after classes are placed but before rooms are opened for general use.

There are no “guaranteed” spaces for special events other than credited academic courses and their final exams.

General requests will be processed in the order in which they were received for each given semester. Classroom reservations for upcoming semesters will be held in Scheduling’s request queue and processed in the order in which they were received starting approximately one month prior to the start of that semester.

  • Fall semester classroom reservation requests – start being processed in early August
  • Spring semester classroom reservation requests – start being processed in late December
  • Summer term classroom reservation requests -- start being processed in early April
  • Finals exam week (all semesters) classroom reservation requests – start being processed two weeks prior to finals week as space is available. Per Senate Policy, no events requiring student participation may be scheduled during exam week.

Event Sponsor Responsibility

The sponsoring organization or department is responsible for the information provided. When making a reservation, you will be required to designate a contact person who is responsible for the proper conduct of the event and for returning the space to its original configuration. Authorization to use reserved space cannot be transferred or loaned to another organization or individual without prior written/e-mail approval from Scheduling.

The type of activity of the event may not be changed from that requested without prior written approval from Scheduling. Specifically, an event may not be changed from those identified above as compatible to those listed as non-compatible.

Transferring, loaning or sub-leasing a reservation or misrepresenting the intended use of the room is a serious matter that may result in immediate suspension of a group's eligibility to use University facilities. Requests to change or cancel an event must be communicated to Scheduling in a timely fashion via e-mail to Sandy Desrosier. Failure to notify the Scheduler of a cancellation could result in restriction of space usage privileges.

A reservation does not provide event support services such as A/V equipment, catering, extra custodial support or security. These items are examples of extra services that may be arranged on a fee-for-service basis. The sponsor is responsible for the planning and coordination of all event-related arrangements. Under no circumstances is furniture or other property to be removed from the room or removed from other rooms. The sponsor is responsible for any extra cleanup fees or damages to the facility incurred during the course of the event or during the event set-up and take-down. Any items brought in for the event should be removed promptly and the room returned to its original arrangement.

Failure to adhere to these policies may subject the sponsoring organization to deposit charges and/or restriction of space usage privileges.


All users of University space are expected to leave the space or classroom and its equipment in good order. Keeping our spaces and classrooms in good order includes chairs and tables straightened, electronic equipment shut off, taking away or disposing of everything one came in with, such as pop/food containers, newspapers, etc. Users are also expected to take extra care that no damage is done to space, any furniture or equipment and that the room is returned to a space/class-ready condition. Any damage that occurs must be reported to the Scheduler and could be subject to replacement cost.

Student Group Reservations

Scheduling will accept requests from and schedule reservations for the following student groups:

  • University Campus Life Program (CLP) groups (CLP designation includes insurance eligibility/certification)
  • Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) who are officially registered with the Office of Student Activities (OSA)
  • Crookston Student Association (CSA)

Student groups can go directly to the Astra Scheduler to view space availability. Groups can click on the calendar tab and then select Scheduling Calendars (view daily, weekly or monthly calendars) or Available Rooms (search for available rooms and equipment) to find potential potions. To submit an event request the requestor would need to click back on the Astra Home tab to login and proceed with the request. Student clubs can also directly contact Sandy Desrosier.

The University of Minnesota does not require general liability insurance for most internal group meetings or events scheduled by student organizations. External users are required to provide liability insurance. Events involving excessive or late hours cleaning will also result in extra charges. If the group is NOT sponsored by a department with an EFS account, then Office of Student Activities will coordinate with the student group regarding any payment due.

Violation of the Event Scheduling Policy and Guidelines, License Agreement, University Policy, or other rules may result in probation or suspension of University facilities use.

Non-University Group Reservations

Non-University groups requesting space will be required to complete the following:

  1. Sign a User Agreement (sent to individual or group by Scheduler)
  2. Pay a space use fee (check payable to the University of Minnesota Crookston or UMC)
    • Policy of $1,000,000 general liability insurance.
    • Purchase of liability insurance from the University’s contracted vendor, TULIP. This insurance can be purchased using a secure website. For more information, contact the Risk Management office, or see the link.
    • State and other governmental agencies that are self-insured shall provide a letter on departmental letterhead stating that fact and the coverage limits for such insurance
  3. Provide to Scheduling a certificate of insurance evidencing coverage of Workers' compensation insurance in an amount equal to the statutory limits established by the State of Minnesota for any and all workers.

Space Use Fees

General spaces are provided at no charge for U of M Crookston academic programs, courses, and academic seminars. University department sponsored events are also considered internal university activity and classroom use fees do not apply.

Non-University groups will be assessed an hourly or daily use fee based on room capacity and type.

The daily use fee includes seating space only. It does not include use of any lectern-mounted microphone, accessible projectors or other accessible equipment. Non-University groups may bring their equipment or make arrangements in advance to rent U of M Crookston equipment.

Additional custodial fees may apply to events on the Crookston campus, contact Sandy Desrosier or 218-281-8483, for rates and more details. If applicable, all custodial fee information will be provided in your event confirmation.

Facilities Information

Rooms are provided in "as is" condition. Regular custodial servicing of general purpose classrooms occurs after hours during the late evening and overnight shifts. For many events, rooms may need to be straightened and tidied prior to the event start. This pre-servicing is not provided in the event reservation but is available if arranged as part of the event reservation in advance on a fee for service basis. If the reservation requires additional cleaning prior to or after the event, payment for the additional custodial services will be built into the Use Agreement. Scheduling will then coordinate custodial arrangements with the Department of Facilities and Operations.

The Department of Facilities and Operations coordinates the temperature control and ventilation of rooms. The utilities and fan schedules for each room are adjusted according to room use and schedule. If you find the room uncomfortable, call Facilities and Operations at 218-281-8483. (For late evening or weekend temperature concerns, call Facilities and Operations Customer Service at 218-281-8495 for assistance.)

Hours of availability for events

Based on room availability, events can be scheduled during normal classroom operating hours between 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. on weekdays. Scheduled events approved outside of these hours, on weekends, and when school is not in session, will in most cases require extra fees.

The University is not open on University holidays.

In the unfortunate event of a room being locked during your weekend or after-hour reservations, call 218-281-8495 for assistance.

Vacating rooms at end of event

Groups need to vacate their assigned space as scheduled. Exterior doors may automatically lock at these assigned closing times. Be sure to remove all personal possessions in the room. After-hours access will result in additional access and custodial fees.

Room Equipment and Features

The scheduled use of the room includes seating space. Many of the general-purpose classrooms have technology and support equipment permanently installed. Use of the room does not include access to locked equipment. Classroom storage and equipment rooms are not included in the reservation and entry into these areas is not authorized.

Existing technology or systems may not be opened or modified in any way. Laptops/notebooks or other computing devices connected to University networks in general purpose classrooms must adhere to University policies including security requirements.

A/V Equipment and Technical Support Staff

When given adequate advanced notice, Media Services can provide event support services and equipment rental for on-campus events. There is a use fee for non-University groups.

Video & Teleconferencing

General purpose classrooms and some meeting areas do not have telephone conferencing capability. Please confirm when requesting the space, if needed.


Serving and/or consuming food or beverages are not authorized in general purpose classrooms without prior permission. A reservation does not include permission to bring food or drink into the rooms. There is to be no food or beverages allowed in labs.

University Food Service has an exclusive to serve food in all campus food venues and Bede Ballroom. Non-University groups must include their food requests to the Scheduler when reserving space, as part of their Licensee's use of Premises in the Use Lease Agreement. Non-University groups will then be responsible to contact University Food Service for food prices, and a separate contract/billing invoice will be sent by University Food Service. The University Users Agreement does not include any fees for food service. Food must then be confined to areas approved in writing by the University and specified elsewhere in Additional Provision.

A Food Permit is required for all events not served or catered by University Food Service. The Food Permit Form [Food Permit Instructions] for serving food or refreshments on University property must be submitted to Environmental Health and Safety ([email protected] or fax to 612-625-6152). The permit must be completed and submitted at least five (5) business days before the event when using the University Food Service or a licensed commercial food service, or ten (10) business days when any other source of food/beverage or type of food service is engaged or dispensed. Unless Licensee has obtained a food permit, no food or beverages are allowed in the Premises. Food and beverage use may be subject to additional cleanup/custodial charges by Facilities and Operations. 

Tobacco and Smoking

University policy prohibits all tobacco use on the U of M Crookston campus. Tobacco is permitted in personal vehicles on the U of M Crookston campus.

Publicity, Signs, Flyers, and Decorations

The U of M Crookston on-campus advertising and promotion policy outlines preferred distribution methods and restrictions to posting signs or flyers. Distributing promotional materials in classrooms is expressly prohibited.


Wheelchair accessibility to general purpose classrooms and spaces are provided in some but not all buildings or rooms. Please discuss accessibility needs at the time of placing your event request. The Disability Resource Center (or 218-281-8587) may also be of assistance.

Disability Access Statements

When planning conferences, events, and activities, have someone in your office or department be responsible for handling requests for accommodations. In registration brochures, invitations, or fliers, use the following access statement:

To request disability accommodations, please contact (name, department, address, phone number).

Publications, such as course syllabi, college bulletins, program brochures, class schedules, newsletters, and instructional publications must be provided in alternative formats (Braille, large print, tape, electronic) upon request; document conversion is provided through Disability Services, (612) 624-4037. In these publications use one of the following statements:

  1. This publication/material is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact (name, department, address, phone number).
  2. It is University policy to provide, on a flexible and individualized basis, reasonable accommodations to students who have disabilities that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact their instructors to discuss their individual needs for accommodations.

Custodial Fees

Custodial fees may apply to Non-University event. These fees are established by Facilities Operations. This information will also be provided in your event confirmation.