Help Improve Campus
Repair/Maintenance Requests (non emergency) are designed to improve the campus community. Keeping the buildings and grounds clean, neat, and functioning properly is not the easiest task. Facilities & Operations asks that you inform us when something may not be working properly or when some area just needs an extra cleaning. If you see something that needs maintenance or cleaning, please submit a request. This will ensure that it gets done. Based on staff availability and priority of the request, Facilities & Operations will fulfill the request at the earliest possible time. See the Facilities Management Response Time Standards.
The only charges currently being done are when equipment, such as basketball standards, are repaired. The department will be charged for the parts on that repair, no labor costs are cross charged as of yet.
Examples of what is/isn't charged
Not Charged -- Repair/Maintenance Request
- Scheduled Maintenance
- General Cleaning
- Window Repair
- Wall Repair
- Electrical Repair
- Light Bulb Replacement
- Air Conditioner Repair
- Door and Lock Repair
- Floor Waxing
- Carpet Shampooing
- Heat Maintenance
- Plumbing
- Other
Cross Chargeable / Billable -- Work Order Request
- Furniture Construction (explore direct purchasing option first)
- Painting for purely cosmetic purposes (painting "life cycle" runs 10 years )
- Other charges may apply, however Facilities & Operations will notify the requestor before doing any work.