Breaking it down in nine steps...

Step #1

New School Intent
Schools interested in U of M Crookston's College in the High School (CIHS) program that believe they have a high school teacher that has met the minimum qualifications required of an adjunct instructor at U of M Crookston may fill out a New School Application.

New School Application

Step #2

Instructor Qualifications
In order to teach a College in the High School Course with U of M Crookston, a UMN Crookston Department Associate Vice Chancellor will confirm that the high school teacher has met the minimum qualifications required of adjunct instructors at UMN Crookston.

High school faculty and/or inquiring school districts can fill out a New Course/Instructor Application in addition to providing the CIHS Coordinator (email to: with the following materials:

  • CV/resume
  • college transcripts (unofficial copies are sufficient while instructors are being evaluated, but once approved to teach official transcripts must be sent)

New Course/Instructor Application

Step #3

The College in the High School Coordinator then forwards all provided documentation to the approving and hiring authority, the Academic Department Associate Vice Chancellor, for review, credentialing and appropriate approval or denial.

Step #4

If an instructor has been approved, the school district is notified and asked to fill out a Contract of Agreement.

Contract of Agreement for New Districts

*Toward the end of the semester (November) and each year (June), the superintendent will be sent an invoice for CIHS classes offered during that year. Schools will be charged the tuition that would normally be charged for a U of M Crookston course plus $300 for each section of each course offered plus $90 for each student registered. There will be a $50 late fee for each late registration or withdrawal. The tuition amount will then be subtracted from the invoice leaving a net amount due to U of M Crookston of the $300 per course per section, $90 per student registration and $50 late fee per late registration or withdrawal.

If denied, the inquiring H.S. instructor is sent a denial letter outlining the requirements necessary for approval along with formal communication sent to the inquiring School District Administrator.

Step #5

CIHS instructors are required to request official transcripts to be sent to (if they have not already done so) and to submit a Human Resource Form (HRIF)*.

*The Human Resource form is used to obtain an employee ID (non-paid teaching specialist).

Step #6

Instructors are notified of their UMN Crookston faculty mentor assigned to them and sent a College in the High School Orientation ppt*, which includes tutorials and training materials.

* This information is the stepping stone, along with the assistance from the College in the High School coordinator, in getting a new CIHS instructor oriented to the CIHS program at the University of Minnesota Crookston.

Step #7

Once an instructor is approved, CIHS establishes the class through the Office of the Registrar and the Academic Department (discipline specific) mentor is notified. Once the course is established in the course registration system, students can begin filing their applications for admission and registration through the online CIHS Admission and Registration app. Students must meet the following qualifications to participate:

Student Qualifications
In order for a high school student to register for U of M Crookston course credit the student must have:

  • achieved junior status in the high school, some courses a sophomore
  • cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher
  • be a Minnesota Resident

**College in the High School students must maintain a minimum U of M Crookston G.P.A of 2.0 each term to continue enrollment at U of M Crookston. Each term with a GPA below a 2.0 will be followed by a one term suspension.

The participating High School is responsible in confirming that a student has met the above requirements prior to admission and registration in the CIHS program via official high school transcripts. U of M Crookston retains the right to run audits of program eligibility as needed.

Step #8

Current CIHS instructors receive continuous communication via site visits, campus visits, email, mail and the phone for ongoing processes, professional development, campus news, dates and deadlines, academic content, instruction materials, etc. This communication and collaboration ensures that CIHS courses administered through the University of Minnesota Crookston reflect the pedagogical, theoretical and philosophical orientation of each academic department.

Step #9

Collaboration is ensured via campus visits, site visits and communication in general. Since the school year 2011-2012, site visits are conducted on a three - four year rotating calendar for courses offered. Instructors new to CIHS receive and engage in an orientation by their faculty mentor before their inaugural year of instruction; they have ongoing communications their first semester. The CIHS Coordinator works with each CIHS Instructor and the academic department to coordinate the completion of site visits.

Site visits include general academic communication, student Q & A, academic content, pedagogical collaboration, including assessment and outcomes in addition to the general collegiate environment tasks of admission, registration, scholarships, transcript information etc.