Friday, December 6, 2024

Agriculture and Natural Resources Day 2024 - 55 years strong logo

Agriculture and Natural Resources Activities Day (ANRAD) has been taking place at the University of Minnesota Crookston for 55 years in 2024. It is an annual event that allows area high school students the opportunity to participate in agricultural activities. There are 13 contests for students to compete in. The contests are overseen by U of M Crookston Agriculture and Natural Resources Department faculty. In 2023, over 50 high schools participated in this event.

An awards ceremony culminates the exciting day. Scholarships, plaques and certificates are awarded to school teams and individuals for each contest. Over $32,000 in scholarships are available to award-winning students. In 2023, $750 U of M Crookston scholarships were awarded for the high individual in each contest, $600 U of M Crookston scholarships were awarded for the second place individual, and $450 U of M Crookston scholarships were awarded for the third place individual.

Some livestock contests may be held in unheated areas. Please have students dress accordingly.

We ask your cooperation and respect for competitors and winners at the awards ceremony. If you cannot attend the entire ceremony, we hope you have a safe and early trip home.



All registrations are due on or before November 30, 2024.  All registrations are $10.00 per student. Registration fees are non-refundable.

2024 Online Registration


Rooms are available for reservation at:

  • AmericInn (218-281-7800)
  • AmeriVu Inn & Suites (218-470-1111)
  • Crookston Inn & Convention Center (218-470-1000)
Contest Descriptions

2024 NOTES: The Ag Sales, Ag Mechanics, and Milk Quality & Products contests have been cancelled. Also there will be a participant capacity per contest implemented.

Crops Contest

Contest participant capacity: 95

The contest follows the FFA contest rules. The crops contest consists of the following four phases:

  1. Crop and weed identification
  2. Grain Grading
  3. Management Test
  4. Practicums. Practicum topics include soils, insects, seed analysis, pesticides, fertilizers, and varietal trial.

Dairy Cattle Judging Contest

Contest participant capacity: 75

The Dairy Cattle Judging Contest requires judgment ability to select/rank four animals from best to worst based on an industry "ideal". This skill is important when buying or culling animals that will be profitable. This selection process is based on visual appraisal as opposed to evaluation of milk performance data or DHIA records. In larger contests, a set of oral reasons is required, which is a verbal justification for your placing. A perfect score is "50". For this part of the contest, 3 live animal classes will be utilized, Spring Yearling Heifers, Fall Yearling Heifers, and Dry Cows. Also included in this contest are evaluation of 2 paper classes.  The sire selection includes a scenario to rank animals by their compatibility to the given cow, while the pedigree is solely ranked on the given genetics and DHIA record.

Farm Management Contest

Contest participant capacity: 34

The farm management contest is a contest which tests skills and knowledge about the management of a farm business. Items included in the contest are: (1) methods of accounting and understanding balance sheets and their interpretation; (2) income tax procedures and management; (3) farm management principles; (4) budgets; (5) enterprise analysis. The contest is similar to the FFA state and national contest.

Floriculture Contest

Contest participant capacity: 90

There are four parts to the Floriculture Contest

  1. Written exam covering general horticulture/floriculture knowledge. The exam covers information about fertilizers, plant care, insects and diseases of greenhouse plants, annual and perennial flowers, plant structure, soils for the greenhouse, and many other areas. 
  2. Problem Solving- Will include 10 multiple-choice questions. (Examples will be selected from the MN CDE Floriculture List).
  3. Plant Identification - Students will identify 45 plants by sample or by picture. The samples are from several areas including annuals, perennials, foliage plants, cut flowers and cut foliage. (Samples will be selected from the MN CDE Floriculture List) 
  4. Floriculture Tool & Equipment Identification - Students will identify 15 examples by actual sample or picture. (Samples will be selected from the MN CDE Floriculture List)

Food Science Contest

Contest participant capacity: 8 teams (4/team = 32)

This contest is designed to assess student knowledge and understanding of food product development, food presentation and food safety issues. Students will be expected to problem solve and come up with a creative spin on their own homemade cuisine following our provided development scenario. Students will participate in both team and individual activities which are as follows:

  1. Team- Design a new food product or reformulate an existing product based on development scenario and provide a marketing scenario.
  2. As individuals- Complete a food safety & sanitation and sensory activity.
  3. As individuals- An 50 point multiple choice objective exam.

Note: This contest is limited to the first 10 teams to register.

2024 Food Science Product Development Scenario

Forestry Contest

Contest participant capacity: 65

The Forestry Contest is a modified version of the Minnesota FFA Forestry Contest. Participants identify tree and wood samples as well as a selection of tools commonly used in the forestry profession. They also take a written exam covering topics such as forest policy, forest ecology, tree biology, the forest products industry, land survey, and forest measurements. Scores are based on a weighted combination of the identification and written portions of the exam. 

General Livestock Judging Contest

Contest participant capacity: 125

The General Livestock Judging Contest requires judgment ability to rank four animals from best to worst for either breeding purposes or sale of meat (slaughter) purposes. This contest involves FOUR species: beef cattle, swine, sheep, and goats.  These animals should have the desired traits for breeding purposes or the meat animal industry and ultimately the consumer. A perfect score on a class is "50".


Contest participant capacity: 60

Hippology is the study of horses, the contest will involve basic horse knowledge, such as anatomy, health, diseases, breeds, etc. We will be using the references that are established on the MN 4-H horse program website, so it will be the same study material as a 4-H test.

Horse Judging Contest

Contest participant capacity: 125

Students judge horses at halter (conformation) and during performance. Possible halter classes include Quarter Horses or Stock-type horses, Arabians, and/or Morgans. Performance classes today are Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle or Hunter Pleasure, and/or English Pleasure. Often, contestants are required to give 'reasons', which is a timed oral presentation on why they placed the class the way they did. Due to lack of time and space, we do not require that part of the contest in this competition. Questions (worth 50 points) will be asked on one designated class to break any ties. Each class is worth 50 points. Official judge(s) will place the class and assign point values to the different possible placing. The closer to the official placing, the more points a contestant earns. When there are more than three contestants from one school, the top three contestants' scores will count for the team score.

Nursery/Landscape Contest

Contest participant capacity: 40

There are four parts to the Nursery/Landscape Contest.

  1. Problem Solving - 12% 10-20 multiple-choice questions dealing with a given scenario at 5-10 points per question. No more than two questions be from the following areas. Not all areas will be used each year.
    • Plant disorders and pest treatments
    • Landscape design or plant selection
    • Retail Pricing given wholesale information
    • Nursery plant production schedule
    • Determine equipment specifications, demonstrate pre-check operations.
    • Lawn care procedures and equipment operation.
    • Chemical handling procedures, e .. g., fertilizer or pesticide equipment calibration and application.
    • Preparing service receipts.
    • Plant material quality assessment.
    • Pruning maintenance.
    • Safety practices.
    • Questions may use bare root, container grown, balled and burlapped nursery stock or landscape plans.
  2. Exam - 35% of the contest is based on questions regarding nursery production, plant science, soils, fertilization, plant materials, plant propagation, landscape design, landscape practices and turf and grounds maintenance.
  3. Plant Equipment/Pest Identification - 44% of the contest is based on identification of landscape plants including shade trees, ornamentals, evergreens, vines, ground covers, annuals and perennials, and weeds. 
  4. Practicums (2) - 12% of the contest is based on problems relating to two practicums selected from the following areas:
    • Determine necessary soil amounts for potting.
    • Calculate needed material for patio and sidewalks using pavers and keystone system.
    • Determine materials for retaining wall
    • Pruning nursery stock.
    • Determining material for planting a bed or hedge.
    • Establish a lawn by seeding or sodding.
    • Volume and area for different plots.
    • Estimate materials for a given landscape plan, use of architects scale.

Small Animals Contest

Contest participant capacity: 150

This contest is designed to assess student knowledge, practical application and evaluation abilities in the area of small animal care, veterinary skills and pet management. 100% of the contest (all written exam and I.D.) will involve the five species recommended in the Minnesota FFA CDE Manual (dogs, cats, fish, birds and rabbits). The contest will consist of three sections including:

  1. Written Exam – multiple choice
  2. Animal Identification – Identifying the 5 species in either photos or live animals 
  3. Practicum - dog & cat food label reading, common diseases or problems, anatomy of skeletal, nervous and digestive systems, mathematical problems related to purchasing, veterinary bills, grooming etc.

90 points of ID and Multiple Choice Questions
10 points of Practicum Questions

Students should bring with them:

  • Calculator
  • Clipboard
  • #2 Pencil

Soils Contest

Contest participant capacity: 9 teams (4/team = 36)

  1. The soils contest will consist of judging 2 land areas using the "FFA Land Judging Scorecard" and instructions. The information in the "FFA Land Judging Scorecard Instructions" will be the subject matter guide.
  2. Teams will be composed of four members with the top three scores counting.
  3. Tiebreakers - The official judge or faculty chair shall determine the order of total pit scores that will be used to break ties.
  4. Materials available for FFA Land Judging are posted on the FFA website -
    • Minnesota FFA Land Judging Score Card (2017)
    • FFA Land Judging Instructions (2012)
    • Land Judging Placard (2006)

Wildlife Contest

Contest participant capacity: 200

The wildlife contest consists of both identification and written questions. The contest uses the basis of the Minnesota FFA regulations, but in an expanded format to handle the average 200 participants each year. Students must be able to identify and answer written questions about 150 wildlife (birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians) and a yearly rotating category. Questions cover identification, habitat, life history, and regulations pertaining to any of the species. A study list is available and includes the years’ rotating topic.

2024 Wildlife Contest ID Sheet

Schedule of Events

2024 Schedule of Events

*subject to change, updated 10/17/2024

NOTE: The Ag Sales, Ag Mechanics, and Milk Quality & Products contests have been cancelled for the 2024 year.

7:00 amHorse Judging Registration (UTOC)
7:30 amHorse Judging Contest Begins
7:30 - 8:00 amAll other contest registration at site of contest
8:00 amAll contests begin (excluding General Livestock, Dairy Cattle Judging)
9:30 amGeneral Livestock and Dairy Cattle Judging Contest Begins
9:30 - 10:30 amAdvisors Welcome Session (Brown Dining)
11:00 - 1:00 pmLunch for Guests (Brown Dining, Eagle's Nest, or Crookston community)
1:00 - 2:00 pmANRAD Awards (Lysaker Gymnasium)

2024 ANRAD Contest Locations

CropsOwen Hall 108, 111 & 118 
Hill Hall 102
Youngquist Auditorium
Dairy Cattle JudgingUTOC Foyer and Arena
Farm ManagementHill Hall 104
FloricultureHill Hall 112
Prairie Room
Food Science & TechnologyHeritage Hall Foyer and Kitchens
Centennial Hall 1108
ForestryOwen Hall 200 and 205
General LivestockUTOC Foyer and Arena
HippologyUTOC 120, 124 and 130
Horse JudgingUTOC Foyer and Arena
Landscape/NurseryOwen Hall 217 and 270 (Student Success Center)
Small AnimalsKiehle Auditorium and Kiehle 124
SoilsHill Hall 210 and 215
WildlifeBede Ballroom (Sargeant Student Center) A,B,C,D,E


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2024 Results

2023 Results

2022 Results

Download the 2022 Results 

Team Contest Winners

Contest3rd Team2nd Team1st Team
Ag MechanicsHawley FFAWillmar High SchoolFosston High School
CropsAda-Borup WestNew London-SpicerSebeka
Dairy JudgingBattle Lake FFAMACCRAY FFAPelican Rapids
Farm MgmtLac qui Parle ValleyUlen-HitterdalMACCRAY
FloriculturePark Rapids FFAMenahga FFAGrand Rapids FFA
Food Science & TechnologyDetroit LakesFisher SchoolRichland 44
ForestryMenahgaPark Rapids Grand Rapids FFA
Genl LivestockFrazee-VergasFergus Falls FFAKelliher FFA
HippologyHawley FFAAshby FFAGrand Rapids FFA
HorsesFisher School Hawley FFA Grand Rapids FFA
LandscapePark Rapids FFAAshby FFANew York Mills FFA
Milk Quality & ProductsCrookstonPark RapidsMenahga
Small AnimalsAda-Borup WestPark RapidsGrand Rapids FFA
SoilsBattle Lake FFAFrazee-VergasHawley FFA
WildlifeOsakisDeer RiverGrand Rapids FFA

Individual Contest Winners

Contest3rd Individual ($450)2nd Individual ($600)1st Individual ($750)
Ag MechanicsDustin Seubert - WillmarWade Gorder - Richland 44Ben Capistran - Crookston
CropsRylan Altermatt - New London-SpicerTiffany Siltala - SebekaMarissa Ewert - Sebeka
Dairy JudgingJoie Koll - MenahgaJordan Thein - MACCRAYJanae LaFerriere - Pelican Rapids
Farm MgmtMalinda Peterson - MACCRAYMadison Groth - Ulen-HitterdalEvan Olson - Oakes/SargentCentral/Ellendale
FloricultureDayton Landey - Grand Rapids Julianna Haataja - MenahgaJanelle Lento - Menahga
Food Science & TechnologyEric Moen - Richland 44Nicholas Wulfekuhle - Richland 44Makayla Baumgartner - Detroit Lakes
ForestryKaiya Grossman - Grand RapidsEmma Bradford - Grand RapidsAlfred Necas - Grand Rapids
Genl LivestockAvery Klabunde - Detroit LakesMadelyn Aakre - HawleyMarcus Johnson - Kelliher FFA
HippologyJade Benning - Wadena Deer CreekAva Peters - Grand RapidsChristian Milbrandt - Lac qui Parle Valley
HorsesAva Gunhovd - Fertile-BeltramiDestiny Kreuger - Thief River FallsTrisha Crews - Perham
LandscapeHaley Korkowsky - New York MillsSamantha Mattson - Glencoe-Silver Lake FFAMorgan Guck - New York Mills
Milk Quality & ProductsLyvia Livermore - Park RapidsIsabella Aho - MenahgaEliana Cole - Battlelake
Small AnimalsLauren Thompson - Ada-BorupKylie Clark - FosstonEmma Seeley - Grand Rapids
SoilsJake Hoelsrad - HawleyAthena Olson - Greenway Zachary Johanson - Battlelake 
WildlifeBen Harker - Grand RapidsEily Sonder - Grand RapidsIsaac Palecek - Grand Rapids

2021 Results

Download the 2021 Results

Team Contest Winners

Contest3rd Team2nd Team1st Team
Ag MechanicsDawson-BoydBarnesvilleWillmar
CropsNew London - SpicerAshbyAda-Borup
Dairy JudgingMarshallPelican RapidsSebeka
Farm MgmtOsakisMorris AreaHawley
FloricultureMahnomenMenahgaGrand Rapids
Food Science & TechRothsayCrookston 5Detroit Lakes
ForestryMenahgaPark RapidsGrand Rapids
Genl LivestockFosston FFAPelican RapidsRothsay
HippologyWadena FFAGrand RapidsSargent County
HorsesLac Qui Parle ValleyWadena FFAGrand Rapids FFA
LandscapeGrand RapidsNew York MillsMacCray
Milk Quality & ProdNew York MillsGreenwayMenahga
Small AnimalsDeer RiverBattle LakeRichland 44
WildlifeDeer RiverNew York MillsGrand Rapids


Individual Contest Winners

Contest3rd Individual ($450)2nd Individual ($600)1st Individual ($750)
Ag MechanicsNicholas Wiese - VerndaleDistin Seubert - WillmarWyatt Dunham - Hawley
CropsTony Roesch - Ada-Borup-WestEvan Paulson - AshbyRobert Schimerowski - New London-Spicer
Dairy JudgingHunter Williams - Pelican RapidsKaity Goblish - MarshallGrace Meech - Sebeka
Farm MgmtNoah Erickson - Morris AreaLauren Walter - OsakisJoey Aakre - Hawley
FloricultureGeorgia Wark - MahnomenVera Wourms - Grand RapidsAbby Johnson - Grand Rapids
Food Science & TechKaiden Roberts - BreckenridgeSamantha Rezac - CrookstonZachary Christ - Rothsay
ForestryKelsey Berghuis - Park RapidsBrock Tavelich - Grand RapidsAlfred Neces - Grand Rapids
Genl LivestockBreckin Anderson - BreckenridgeTrinity Erickson - ClimaxAndre Egoroff - Fosston FFA
HippologyAva Peters - Grand RapidsJade Benning - WadenaKari Fuhrman - Sargent County
HorsesSarah Kurth - Park Rapids FFAJulia Teiken - Detroit Lakes FFADestiney Krueger - Thief River Falls FFA
LandscapeMorgan Guck - New York MillsLillian Holl - Pelican RapidsHannah Grose - Grand Rapids
Milk Quality & ProdMiranda Thomsen - GreenwayAvery Ano - MenahgaKaitlyn Geiser - New York Mills
Small AnimalsCora Hermunslie - Richland 44Megan Floria - Grand RapidsJoshua Price - Morris Area
SoilsAllison Jepson - FrazeeKodian SchermerhornRaymond Holzhauer - Frazee
WildlifeHunter Wiegele - Deer RiverBen Harker - Grand RapidsJacob Anderson - Grand Rapids

2020 Results

ANRAD was not held during 2020 due to COVID-19.