Story Archives

Note: For news stories prior to January 2019, please search our Library Digital Archive.

Ardis (Overgaard) Searles with her parents and siblings
Imagine sending your 13 year-old to live on their own at a school two hours away. Nowadays it’s not a common thing, but in the early to mid 1900s it was something families did to help prepare their teens for adulthood.
Michael Laurich posing outside Shedd Aquarium's Southeast Asian Streams
Ever had a job that was leagues above any other? Finding his way to aquatic biology has University of Minnesota Crookston alumnus, Michael Laurich 2016, “hooked”, and it all started with a volunteer position.
Ebony (Livingston) Rich coaching on the sidelines
When Ebony (Livingston) Rich walked across the stage as a graduate of the University of Minnesota Crookston in 2015, she had no idea what was in store for her future.
Students working on a STEM project in a UMN Crookston Lab
The Center for Rural Education in Science and Technology (CREST) was established at the University of Minnesota Crookston in 2022 to allow surrounding underserved, underrepresented schools to afford equal opportunities in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
Torchlight eNewsletter
Dennis Hjelle 1968 was among the first class of 72 students to graduate from the University of Minnesota Technical Institute and he chose the Crookston campus because it was close to home. Hjelle was a wrestling student-athlete and a member of the “The Flying Trojans” flight club while at school.


For News, contact Jess Bengtson.
For Library Digital Archives, contact Keri Youngstrand.