Make sure your online image helps, not hurts your job search
It used to be that employers only had resumes, cover letters, and interviews to go by when making hiring decisions. That changed with increased use of the Internet and social networking. Many employers check profiles on popular online sites before making interviewing and hiring decisions. And some posted material can leave employers wondering what type of employee you would be.
When it comes to getting the right job or making the right strides in your career, it’s not just about having the right skills and experience. It’s also — and just as importantly — about having the right connections. LinkedIn is an online career-oriented social network with more than 530 million members. Your presence on LinkedIn can help you showcase your education, experience, skills, and strengths. It can also help you make strategic connections, and enable employers to reach you with relevant opportunities.
Discover the Power of LinkedIn
- Update Your LinkedIn Profile. The more effort you put into building your LinkedIn profile, the more benefit you will get out of it. Potential employers are likely to check your LinkedIn profile, so consider investing in a professional photo, and spend extra time on the 120-character subhead under your name. Tip the scales in your favor by carefully filling out the descriptions under each previous job title and edit carefully. A typo could do more to jeopardize your chances of being hired than lack of experience.
- Connect With Others. Start with people you know and branch out from there, using the “Get Introduced” tool. Don’t settle for the default “I’d like to connect with you on LinkedIn” message; write your own message.
- Be Intentional About Communicating. Keep in mind most LinkedIn users don’t log in daily (or even weekly). So you may need email to make personal contact.
- Stay Active. Be diligent about keeping your profile fresh, and about making new connections.
Leverage LinkedIn
As your professional network of trusted contacts, LinkedIn gives you an advantage in your career, and can be one of your most valuable assets. LinkedIn exists to help you make better use of your professional network and help the people you trust in return.
Here are some useful links:
LinkedIn 101
Networking & Job Hunting
LinkedIn Bonus Resources
- How to Recruit Recruiters
- LinkedIn Learning - Learn in-demand skills from industry experts!
Log In with your @crk.umn.edu email address
Use the LinkedIn Alumni Tool
The LinkedIn Alumni tool is a great resource for exploring career paths, discovering top employment destinations and connecting with U of M Crookston alumni for advice.