Two members of Crookston's Business Department faculty, Dr. Oxana Wieland (Finance) and Dr. Al Fattal (Marketing) recently participated in the “Leveraging New Realities: Innovations, Successes, and Challenges" Conference sponsored by the University of Minnesota's Internationalizing the Curriculum and Campus (ICC) Program. 

The Crookston faculty members presented case studies highlighting ways in which they have added international business case studies to their courses. For this project, Wieland and Fattal collaborated with Dr. Satis Devkota (Economics) from the University of Minnesota Morris.  The case studies highlighted how each professor had used best practices in course design to internationalize their respective courses as well as the challenges that they encountered during the design process.

Selfie of Dr. Satis Devkota (Economics) from the University of Minnesota Morris and Crookston's Business Department faculty, Dr. Oxana Wieland (Finance) and Dr. Al. Fattal (Marketing)
Left to Right: Dr. Satis Devkota (Economics) from the U of M Morris and U of M Crookston's Business Department faculty - Dr. Oxana Wieland (Finance) and Dr. Al. Fattal (Marketing)

Story Contact: Shawn Boyne - - (218) 281-8180