Michelle Beeghly
Michelle Beeghly

University of Minnesota Crookston Administrative Professional and PSEO Coordinator Michelle Beeghly was recently given the opportunity to complete the Women's Leadership Academy, which is sponsored by the Community Foundation’s Women's Fund.

This 30-hour, annual leadership course is designed to empower women who reside in the Grand Forks and Polk County areas, and aims to develop leadership capacity and build connections across individual differences.

"I received my top five strengths from the “CliftonStrengths” assessment, which is a part of the training curriculum,” Beeghly explained. “I learned how I can better support our department and students by asking other's visions, and how I can help them achieve those goals."

“To effectively serve our students and our community well, we must encourage our faculty and staff to stretch their boundaries by participating in professional development opportunities,” U of M Crookston Associate Vice Chancellor Shawn Boyne states. “Michelle's deep knowledge of the institution, her dedication to students, and the leadership potential she has demonstrated managing our PSEO program, made her an excellent candidate."

Story Contact: Shawn Boyne - boyne001@umn.edu - (218) 281-8180