Shawn Boyne J.D., Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor - Business, Arts & Educa
(218) 281-8180
(218) 281-8176
(218) 281-8256
Associated Majors
Awards, Distinctions and Honors
- American Council on Education (Fellow)
- Rabb Emison Award (Increasing Diversity in the Legal Profession
- Max Planck Institute Research Fellow
- IUPUI Trustee's Teaching Award
- IUPUI Prestigious External Recognition Award
- Peer Reviewer Higher Learning Commission
Educational Background
- Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
- LLM Justus Liebig Universitaet Giessen, Germany
- J.D. University of Southern California
- MBA University of Minnesota
- B.A. (cum laude) Cornell University
Professional Memberships
- American Society of Comparative Law
- American Society of Criminology
Research Interests
- Comparative Criminal Procedure
- Cybercrime
- Counterterrorism
- In this position, I oversee the overall operations of two departments and one center. These include the Business Department, the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education (HSSE) Departments, and the campus’s Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC). Across these areas, I manage the professional, instructional, and scholarly activities of the faculty and staff and provide academic leadership.
- I seek to support and enhance the success of all students.
Selected Publications
- Shawn Marie Boyne, The German Prosecution Service: Guardians of the Law? (2013) Springer Publishing 2013.
- Shawn Marie Boyne, “Data Protection in the United States,” 66 The American Journal of Comparative Law, Issue suppl_1 July 2018, (299–343).
- Shawn Marie Boyne, “An Overview of U.S. Whistle-Blowing Law: US National Report,” 62 The American Journal of Comparative Law, Issue suppl_1, Supplement 2014, (425-455).
- Shawn Marie Boyne, “Stingray Technology, the Exclusionary Rule, and the Future of Privacy: A Cautionary Tale,” 119 West Virginia Law Review 915-939 (2017).
- Shawn Boyne, “German Prosecutors and the Rechtsstaat,” in Prosecutors and Democracy: A Cross- National Study. (eds. Maximo Langer & David Alan Sklansky). Cambridge
University Press 2017 (109-137). - Shawn Marie Boyne, “Procedural Economy in Pre-Trial Procedures: A Comparison of the U.S. and Germany,” in Elgar Guide to Comparative Criminal Procedure. (eds. Ross & Thaman). Elgar Press 2016. (219-257).
- Shawn Marie Boyne, “Is the Journey from the In-Box to the Out-Box a Straight line? Evaluating Low-level Crime Prosecutions in Germany,” in The Prosecutor in Transnational Perspective. (eds. Luna & Wade). Oxford University Press 2012 (37-53).
- Shawn Marie Boyne, “The Cultural Limits on Uniformity and Formalism in the German Penal Code,” 58 Journal of Crime, Law, and Social Change, Issue 3, pp. (251-293) (2012).
- Shawn Marie Boyne, "Truth or Justice: A Comparative Look at the Exclusionary Rule in Germany and the United States," (Straf-)Rechtswissenschaft in der Krise? Abschiedskolloquium für Walter Gropp. Herausgegeben von Arndt Sinn, Pierre Hauck, Michael Nagel und Liane Wörner. (19-45) Mohr-Siebeck 2019.
- Shawn Marie Boyne, “The Many Faces of Objectivity: A Look at German Rape Cases," 67 Washington & Lee Law Review 1287-1359 (2010).
- Prior to joining the University of Minnesota Crookston, I spent almost ten years serving as a Senior Trial Prosecutor and defense attorney in the state of New Mexico. After pursuing my Ph.D., I taught courses in criminal law, criminal procedure, and cyberlaw at Indiana University's Robert H. McKinney School of Law achieving the rank of professor. I decided to enter the administrative ranks after I had the privilege of serving as a Fellow with the American Council of Education during the 2018-2019 academic year. Subsequently, I served as the Director of Academic Quality & Undergraduate Education at Iowa State University as well as the Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education at the University of Illinois-Springfield. In my spare time, I enjoy traveling and hiking.