He said he didn’t see himself farming. “I grew up a little north and east of Crookston, I never knew agriculture would be part of my career path, Proulx said.” Rob Proulx, Ph.D, University of Minnesota Crookston, agronomy lecturer, started his undergraduate studies as a business major and transferred to UMN Crookston earning his bachelor’s degree
Today the University of Minnesota Crookston and the University of Minnesota Morris announced a collaboration in the area of admissions. This collaboration will strengthen each campus’s enrollment in person and online while allowing them both to provide more effective and efficient recruitment operations.
Students named to the fall semester 2020 Dean's List were announced recently by the Office of the Registrar. The U of M Crookston is one of the most respected career-oriented, technology-based universities in the nation.
The Office of the Registrar at the University of Minnesota Crookston recently announced its list of fall 2020 graduates. Students completed their degree requirements during the fall session 2020.
Students named to the fall semester 2020 Chancellor's List were announced recently by the Office of the Registrar. The U of M Crookston is one of the most respected career-oriented, technology-based universities in the nation.
For Alan Mart, class registration day at the University of Minnesota Crookston, took place in August 2009. However, unbeknownst to Mart, that same day he would be recruited to go to the U.S. Army and his life would change forever. Although Mart decided to go to the Army, later in his life he found his way back to UMN Crookston.
The University of Minnesota Crookston Student Success Center has had to make adjustments to their offerings due to the current environment we live in with the COVID-19 pandemic. But while their offerings have occurred in both in-person and virtual environments, the factor that hasn’t changed is a commitment to inclusion to support all students at
The University of Minnesota Crookston’s business department recently was granted official accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). It joins the ranks of 1,200 member campuses globally to be accredited.
Lauren Wallace is a senior, double majoring in marketing and sport and recreation management.
Immediately following graduation in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in business management with emphases in management and business aviation, Syverson taught at UMN Crookston in the aviation program before moving on to a two-year teaching appointment with the University of North Dakota Aerospace program.