Katy Chapman Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Sustainability Coordinator
(218) 281-8262
(218) 281-8380
Faculty - On-Campus
Currently Teaching
BIOL 1000-001: Biology and Society
BIOL 1000-002: Biology and Society
BIOL 1000-E90: Biology and Society
BIOL 1000-E91: Biology and Society
CHEM 3022-001: Fate and Analysis of Chemicals
CHEM 3022-002: Fate and Analysis of Chemicals
ENSC 3003-E90: Sustainable YoU, Sustain World
Research Interests
- C dynamics (loss and sequestration) in agricultural soil
- Environmental Science
- Global environmental change
- New and novel methodologies for monitoring soil gas exchange
- NH3 and greenhouse gas exchange in agronomic systems (news release)
- Phytoremediation of polluted soils and sediments (insight interview)
- Radial Oxygen loss in plants
- Response of crop and soil systems to elevated atmospheric CO2
- Root function and microbial activity in the edaphic environment
- Soil management practices to improve soil quality and productivity
- Soil science
- Soil-plant-atmosphere interactions
- The utilization of animal waste in crop production
Awards, Distinctions, and Honors
- 2020 Distinguished Faculty Service Award
- 2017 Distinguished Scholar Award
- 2011 Outstanding Service-Learning Faculty Award
- Glenn Allan Paur Scholarship, 1999-00
- Gamma Sigma Delta (Honor Society), 2003
- Frederick N. Andrews Fellowship, 2001-03
- Edith Larson Outstanding Undergraduate Biology Student, 2000-01
- D.J. Robertson Award (Academic Achievement), 1997
- Barry M. Goldwater Full Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program Scholar, 200-01
- J.F.T. O'Connor Scholarship (Academic Excellence), 1998-99
- Madison Who's Who of Professionals 2008-09
- Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society, 2008
- Scarseth Award (Travel, National ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meetings), 2003
- Phi Beta Kappa, 2001
- Outstanding Ph.D. Student in Research, 2005
- North Dakota Program to Stimulate Advanced Undergraduate Research Award, 2000
- Howard Hughes Apprenticeship and Fellowship (Full Scholarship), 1999-00
Selected Publications
- Smith, K.E., J.M. Clark, R.R. Putnam, G.R. Lanza, and D.A. Dhanker. 2008. Pesticide phytoremediation, applications for vegetated filter strips. Journal of Environmental Quality 37(5): 1855-1861.
- Smith, K.E., S.A. Prior, G.B. Runion, A.J. Price, H.H. Rogers, and H.A. Torbert. 2008. Chinese privet (Ligustrume sinense Lour.) in an elevated CO2 environment. Botany Research Journal 1(2): 43-48.
- Euliss, K., C. Ho, A.P. Schwab, S. Rock, and M.K. Banks. 2008. Greenhouse and field assessment of phytoremediation for petroleum contaminants in a riparian zone. Bio resource Technology 99:1961:1971
- Euliss, K.W. and J.S. Carmichael. 2004. The effects of selenium accumulation in hydroponically grown canola (Brassica napus). Journal of Young Investigators 10(1).
- Euliss, K.W., A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2005. Establishing plants under water for the purpose of De watering contaminated dredged sediments. Paper C6-06. In R.F. Olfenbuttel and P.J. White (ed.) Remediation of contaminated sediments - 2005: Finding ach
- Euliss, K.W., B.L. Dorsey, K.C. Benke, A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2005. The use of plant tissue silica Content for estimating transpiration. Ecological Engineering 25(4):343-348.
- Smith, K.E., A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2007. Phytoremediation and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contaminated sediments: A greenhouse feasibility study. Journal of Environmental Quality 36:239-244
- Smith, K.E., A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2008. De watering of contaminated sediments: Greenhouse and field studies. Ecological Engineering. (in press)
- Smith, K.E., A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2008. Evaluation of phytoremediation of PAH contaminated sediments: A field trial. Chemosphere. 72: 1614-1619
- Educational Background
- B.S., Summa Cum Laude, Biology major, Chemistry minor, Department of Biology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, 2001
- Graduate Teaching Certificate, Center for Instructional Excellence, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2005
- Ph.D., Environmental Soil Science, Department of Agronomy, Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2005
Professional Memberships
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Society of Agronomy
- International Union of Soil Scientists
- Soil Science Society of America