Story Archives

Note: For news stories prior to January 2019, please search our Library Digital Archive.

University of Minnesota Crookston News
Every year thousands of American entrepreneurs start their own small businesses. From tech startups to clothing designers to tutoring services, new companies are started by resourceful people who make the choice to become their own bosses.
University of Minnesota Crookston News
The year was 2001. Hector Santellanes is trying to make what some might call a difficult decision: Should he go back to school?
University of Minnesota Crookston News
The alumni reunion of the Northwest School of Agriculture (NWSA) was held Thursday, August 19. Classmates and friends gathered to reconnect and honor outstanding alumni from the NWSA with the Top Aggie award.
University of Minnesota Crookston News
A common misconception for many young college students, whether they found their desired career path with ease or are still unsure of what skills they can offer the job force is that an accounting degree will land you one position, a CPA (certified public accountant).
University of Minnesota Crookston News
The Office of the Registrar at the University of Minnesota Crookston recently announced its list of summer 2021 graduates. Students completed their degree requirements during the summer session 2021.


For News, contact Jess Bengtson.
For Library Digital Archives, contact Keri Youngstrand.