Story Archives

Note: For news stories prior to January 2019, please search our Library Digital Archive.

Message from the Chancellor - Mary Holz-Clause
This year has flown by and we’re already into December. On campus we’re headed into finals, preparing for the winter break, and excited to have a glimpse at what the next calendar year will bring.
December Events - Teambacker President Ethan Christopherson and Walmart Employees holding plush toy animals
The University of Minnesota Crookston is inviting everyone to their upcoming December events which include Holidays Around The World, Little Shop of Horrors musical comedy, Annual Poinsettia Sale, Teddy Bear Toss at the Golden Eagles hockey game, and Jingle Jazz Concert, plus many home athletic events to top it all off.
Katy Chapman with Regal the Eagle holding the UN Sustainable Development Goals poster
Sustainability has been a core value of the University of Minnesota Crookston campus for decades and a recent presentation to faculty and staff got people thinking of current sustainable initiatives and contemplating some of their sustainability related “wish lists.” Katy Chapman, UMN Crookston associate professor and director of sustainability, an
DECA students at the Hard Rock Cafe in Atlanta, Georgia
After a 30-year absence, the University of Minnesota Crookston brought back their collegiate Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) chapter to campus and student members have already hit the ground running.
While in North Carolina, students Derrick Cupp (online student), Maddy Scheider, Josiah Bullivant, and Tseten Gurung completed a marketing plan for the Charlotte Hornets on incorporating Metaverse into future marketing for the NBA team. Pictured with faculty Eddie Walker and Courtney Bergman.
A group of University of Minnesota Crookston marketing students accompanied business department faculty to the Sports Marketing Association conference in North Carolina October 24-29, 2022 to compete in the case competition, and returned with knowledge on corporate marketing and items checked off their travel bucket lists.


For News, contact Jess Bengtson.
For Library Digital Archives, contact Keri Youngstrand.