The Crookston Rotary Club awarded four University of Minnesota Crookston students with scholarships for their Students of the Semester program during the 2024 Spring semester. Recipients included Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education student Janie Tormanen, Agriculture and Natural Resources student Kaitlyn Rux, Business student Elizabeth Medlen, and Math, Science, and Technology student Sierra Strenge.

Tormanen is from Menagha, Minn. and majored in communication with a minor in writing. She participated in College in the High School classes during high school and was able to finish her bachelor’s degree at U of M Crookston in two years. Tormanen played for the Golden Eagles women’s basketball team and is looking forward to attending Michigan Tech to play basketball and get her master’s degree in business. She also has a summer internship with Steel Head Technologies in Michigan.

Rux is from Hawley, Minn. and is majoring in animal science and agricultural business. She is one of three siblings including a twin sister and a younger brother. Her future plans include a summer internship with the Detroit Lakes (Minn.) Farm Service Agency and a career in ag business. Rux’s community involvement includes a mission trip to Houston, Tex. while she was in high school where they helped rebuild houses and worked with children.

Medlen is currently living in Crookston, Minn. and is majoring in accounting. She served in the United States Air Force for 10 years and then worked in business-to-business sales before returning to college. On campus she’s been a part of the Collegiate DECA chapter and placed second in her category at their international conference. Medlen plans to graduate in May 2026.

Strenge is from Wyndmere, N.D. and is a biology major with an emphasis in chemistry. She was originally an Animal Science major and realized she liked to research and the hands-on labs so she switched majors. Strenge is a part of the campus’ Pre-Vet Club and volunteers her time at Scruffy Tails Humane Society in Crookston. She’s also involved with the Center for Rural Education in Science and Technology (CREST) and travels to regional K-12 schools to conduct STEM activities. Both of her parents are teachers; she grew up with her dad as her principal and mom as her high school English teacher, and she has one younger brother.